Monday, September 29, 2014

Facebook Privacy

Image taken from Google Images.
It is surprising that you think your information is private on Facebook, but if you don’t set the privacy setting a lot of people can get your information. Parents who don’t make sure their kid’s privacy settings are turned on, are just setting their kids up to get some crazy person trying to do something bad to them. But, now that I sit here, I think that some parents don’t know how to get around on the computer or some of these websites. The information age is way over the heads of many parents. 

I have never thought about Facebook professionally in the past, but I will make sure my Facebook page stays on the professional side. I went out there after class the other day and took a look at some of the things my friends and family are putting out there and it’s time to block some of the people I don’t need to know. If the companies go out there and see the things your friends and family are doing or talking about, you may lose a job or big contract with a company because of the dumb things they do.

The changes I will make on Facebook are the people who I’m friends with, but it’s the family members I need to block more than the friends. The family are the ones who are doing and saying the dumbest things on Facebook. Sometimes you just want to have their heads x-rayed to see if there is something in there. But, that would cost too much money, so I can always block them right?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Clean Air

How important is clean air to you? If the vehicles on the road keep putting out bad emissions, there will be no clean air for your kids and grandkids in the future. Go Green Mobile Smog is dedicated to making sure we have clean air for the future. We all have to play our part in making sure we take care of this planet because it’s the only one we have.

The Bureau of Air works to improve air quality by identifying air pollution problems, proposing appropriate regulations, conducting inspections, and reviewing permit applications. It also operates a vehicle emissions testing program to keep the future bright and free of smog. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Go Green is going to Tweet, Tweet

Geetings everyone! Go Green is now on Twitter. We are excited for this new adventure. It will be a learning curve, but we'll manage. We hope to use the platform for tweeting new, information, updates on government regulations, and a few laughs. So log on to Twitter and follow us at @ggmet6.

To interact on Twitter, we've learned the EEI Strategy - Engage, Entertain, and Inform.

Here is an example of an Engage tweet:

  1. Engage--Have you ever had your car tested because of the check engine light? Why?
  2. Entertain--How long has Penny from had her check engine light on?
  3. Inform--Did you know that vehicles newer than 1996 registered in certain Wisconsin counties must undergo emissions testing when at time of renewal.

Friday, September 12, 2014

We'll Come to You!

Go Green Mobile Emission Service is a start-up organization that offers mobile emission service for individuals who don’t have the time to go to a traditional emissions location. Single parents, businessmen who work long hours, and individuals who work multiple jobs often have limited time available to take care of time-consuming tasks such as vehicle emissions testing. As a required annual test to renew vehicle registration, drivers in Clark County must find the time to accomplish this mundane responsibility. Drivers can spend anywhere from one to three hours to get an emissions test when including drive time and waiting time. Go Green Mobile Emission Service will serve the Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada areas by providing the necessary services to these individuals at convenient locations like their office or home, and charge a small premium for the time savings.