Thursday, September 18, 2014

Go Green is going to Tweet, Tweet

Geetings everyone! Go Green is now on Twitter. We are excited for this new adventure. It will be a learning curve, but we'll manage. We hope to use the platform for tweeting new, information, updates on government regulations, and a few laughs. So log on to Twitter and follow us at @ggmet6.

To interact on Twitter, we've learned the EEI Strategy - Engage, Entertain, and Inform.

Here is an example of an Engage tweet:

  1. Engage--Have you ever had your car tested because of the check engine light? Why?
  2. Entertain--How long has Penny from had her check engine light on?
  3. Inform--Did you know that vehicles newer than 1996 registered in certain Wisconsin counties must undergo emissions testing when at time of renewal.


  1. I like it! I especially like your entertain tweet! I'll be the first one to admit that I am not fluent in Twitter, so I'm not sure what your #1 is supposed to mean. I wasn't sure if you meant for the #1 to be in front of the "Engage" since the other two are numbered. There are a couple other things you may want to check. In your post #3, I believe it should have a question mark at the end because you are asking a question. Also, I believe you are missing an EEI tweet using a hashtag. I'd hate to see you miss any points.

    1. Now that I could actually see your Twitter, there are a couple things I see. You have the consistent feel and I like the little green car. You still may want to watch the question marks on the tweets if you are asking a "did you know" question.

  2. The EEI examples of a Twitter posting are spectacular! The engage post gets people realizing different ideas of why a check engine light is on. The entertain post uses the most popular show in America, which helps catch peoples interest. The part that I don't understand is the blog title. I realize that you are mentioning twitter, however the double "tweet" has me a little confused. I would give you a 28 out 30. If I understood the blog title, it would be 30 out of 30, however.

  3. Michael, when I open up the Twitter page, I feel I am looking at the same company instantly. You do a good job matching the blog to the twitter account. On the assignment sheet it says to follow a total of 10 business (5 competitors and 5 icons). You currently have only 5 businesses total that you are following.
